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4 posts tagged with "release"

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Glasskube v0.1.0 โ€” Introducing Dependency Management

ยท 3 min read
Jake Page
Developer Relations Engineer

Glasskube v0.1.0 was released on March 21st, introducing new features like Dependency Management and Dark Mode as well as many useful features for an improved CLI and GUI experience.

Glasskube is fully open-source. Support us by leaving a star: โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

๐Ÿ™ Special thanks to all our contributors ๐Ÿฅฐโ€‹

Once again, we can't thank our community enough for their valuable input and exciting contributions to Glasskube. We are happy you choose to be part of our journey in making Kubernetes package management easier for everyone.

This release includes:

  • ๐Ÿ‘ฅ a total of 10 contributors
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ 53 commits
  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ no breaking changes

Watch our release video to get an overview of what has changed:

Most notable changesโ€‹

Dependency management ๐Ÿ”—โ€‹

Building on the package installation features shipped in the previous weeks, we now offer an in-built way of managing and installing the dependencies used by your desired package. Now package maintainers can define the appropriate dependencies, for each Glasskube supported package as well as recommending the range of suitable dependency versions, this way ensuring that packages are always compatible to accompanying dependency.

Package dependencies will show on the installation drop down in the GUI. They will also be shown when installing a package via the CLI.

Dark Mode ๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธโ€‹

Great news, we shipped the "must-have" feature any OSS project can't survive without, Dark Mode. Glasskube's dark mode is linked to the display mode defined on your local system. Access your system preferences menu and try it out!

Dark Mode

Further improvementsโ€‹

We also worked hard on improving existing commands and our GUI. Here's a list of further notable changes:

  • The --latest flag was added to the glasskube bootstrap command to ensure the latest version of the package controller is being used.
  • The GUI now reflects the available dependencies for selected packages.
  • We expanded the describe command to include the installed dependencies.
  • You will now be greeted by a notification pop-up if "open" fails.
  • Version mismatch detection was added to the package controller.

BREAKING changesโ€‹

This release does not contain any breaking changes.

All Release Notesโ€‹

The release notes can be found here: v0.1.0 release on GitHub

All changes can be found here: Comparing v0.0.4 to v0.1.0

How to upgradeโ€‹

Follow the installation instructions below to download the latest version of the Glasskube client. After that you need to upgrade the server component (Package Operator) by bootstrapping Glasskube again:

glasskube bootstrap --latest

Getting startedโ€‹

Follow our Getting Started guide if you want to try Glasskube for yourself and install your first package.

On macOS, you can use Homebrew to install and update Glasskube.

brew install glasskube/tap/glasskube

After installing Glasskube on your local machine, make sure to install the necessary components in your Kubernetes cluster by running glasskube bootstrap. For more information, check out our bootstrap guide.

Get involvedโ€‹

The easiest way to get involved is to tackle one of our open issues. You are also welcome to join our Discord.

If you are a cloud native developer, please submit your package.

As Glasskube is still in its very early days, your feedback is highly appreciated. Let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you or support us by leaving a star on GitHub:

โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

Glasskube v0.0.3 โ€” Introducing Package Updates

ยท 4 min read
Philip Miglinci

Glasskube v0.0.3 was released on February 27th, introducing package updates and many useful features for improved CLI and GUI experience.

Glasskube is fully open-source. Support us by leaving a star: โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

๐Ÿ™ Special thanks to all our contributors ๐Ÿฅฐโ€‹

Once again, we can't thank our community enough for their valuable input and exciting contributions to Glasskube. We are happy you choose to be part of our journey in making Kubernetes package management easier for everyone.

This release includes:

  • ๐Ÿ‘ฅ a total of 10 contributors
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ 64 commits
  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ no breaking changes

Watch our release video to get an overview of what has changed:

Most notable changesโ€‹

Package Updatesโ€‹

Updating packages is one of the most essential features of any package manager. That's why most of our efforts in the past two weeks have gone into the support for such updates via CLI and GUI. It's as easy as typing glasskube update into the command line, or a button click in the GUI.

During package installation you now can decide whether you want automatic updates for the package, in which case the Glasskube package operator will take care of keeping you up to date at all times. You can of course opt out of this feature if you prefer to handle updates manually. Apart from that, with the --version flag you can choose which version of a package is to be installed, if your use case requires a specific version.

Package Updates

For technical details, please have a look at the package operator documentation.

Further improvementsโ€‹

We also worked hard on improving existing commands and our GUI. Here's a list of further notable changes:

  • The glasskube describe command โ€“ and its GUI-complement, the package detail page โ€“ have been implemented for you to have a more detailed view on each of the packages available in Glasskube.
  • glasskube list has been extended with the new flags --outdated โ€“ listing only outdated packages, and --show-latest โ€“ showing the latest available version for each package.
  • All commands check for a newer version of Glasskube, and notify you if you are not up to date anymore.
  • Glasskube is now even easier to set up: The GUI comes with handy pages for selecting a kubeconfig and for bootstrapping Glasskube in a cluster. All CLI commands will also support you in setting up Glasskube in your cluster.
  • Streaming any kind of package status change directly into the GUI, making it easier for you to recognize when something is happening in the background.

BREAKING changesโ€‹

This release does not contain any breaking changes.

All Release Notesโ€‹

The release notes can be found here: v0.0.3 release on GitHub

All changes can be found here: Comparing v0.0.2 to v0.0.3

How to upgradeโ€‹

Follow the installation instructions below to download the latest version of the Glasskube client. After that you need to upgrade the server component (Package Operator) by bootstrapping Glasskube again:

glasskube bootstrap

Getting startedโ€‹

Follow our Getting Started guide if you want to try Glasskube for yourself and install your first package.

On macOS, you can use Homebrew to install and update Glasskube.

brew install glasskube/tap/glasskube

After installing Glasskube on your local machine, make sure to install the necessary components in your Kubernetes cluster by running glasskube bootstrap. For more information, check out our bootstrap guide.

Get involvedโ€‹

The easiest way to get involved is to tackle one of our open issues. You are also welcome to join our Discord.

If you are a cloud native developer, please submit your package.

As Glasskube is still in its very early days, your feedback is highly appreciated. Let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you or support us by leaving a star on GitHub:

โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

Glasskube v0.0.2 โ€” Open Command

ยท 3 min read
Philip Miglinci

Glasskube v0.0.2 was released on February 9th, just 9 days after initial technical preview release.

Glasskube is fully open-source. Support us by leaving a star: โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

๐Ÿ™ Special thanks to all our contributors ๐Ÿฅฐโ€‹

We didn't anticipate rolling out our second preview release just one week after the initial one, but thanks to the remarkable contributions from our community, that's exactly what we've done.

This release includes:

  • ๐Ÿ‘ฅ a total of 14 (mostly new) contributors
  • ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ 58 commits
  • ๐Ÿ’ฅ no breaking changes

Watch our release video to get an overview of what has changed:

Most notable changesโ€‹

Of all changes, bugfixes and improvements, two new features stand out in the second release:

The open commandโ€‹

Introducing Glasskube's newest feature: the open command! Gone are the days of laboriously setting up multiple TCP tunnels with kubectl port-forward just to access specific services. With Glasskube, accessing your desired services is now as easy as a click or a simple command. Say goodbye to unnecessary complexity and hello to effortless convenience.

Realtime updates with htmxโ€‹

The second-biggest achievement of this release: The integration of htmx for real-time updates. This advanced feature enables automatic and instantaneous updates to your graphical user interface, eliminating the need for manual page refreshes. With htmx, your application stays dynamically synchronized with backend changes, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience.

BREAKING changesโ€‹

This release does not contain any breaking changes.

All Release Notesโ€‹

The release notes can be found here: v0.0.2 release on GitHub

All changes can be found here: Comparing v0.0.1 to v0.0.2

How to upgradeโ€‹

Follow the installation instructions below to download the latest version of the Glasskube client. After that you need to upgrade the server component (Package Operator) by bootstrapping Glasskube again:

glasskube bootstrap

Getting startedโ€‹

Follow our Getting Started guide if you want to try Glasskube for yourself and install your first package.

On macOS, you can use Homebrew to install and update Glasskube.

brew install glasskube/tap/glasskube

After installing Glasskube on your local machine, make sure to install the necessary components in your Kubernetes cluster by running glasskube bootstrap. For more information, check out our bootstrap guide.

Get involvedโ€‹

The easiest way to get involved is to tackle one of our open issues. You are also welcome to join our Discord.

If you are a cloud native developer, please submit your package.

As Glasskube is still in its very early days, your feedback is highly appreciated. Let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you or support us by leaving a star on GitHub:

โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

Glasskube v0.0.1 โ€” Technical Preview

ยท 5 min read
Philip Miglinci
Louis Weston

The aim of this post is to share our technical preview of how a cloud native package manager could work and what challenges need to be solved.

Glasskube is fully open-source. Support us by leaving a star: โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ

Introducing Glasskube โ€” The next generation Package Manager For Kubernetesโ€‹

Glasskube GUI Mockup

Package Management on Kubernetes is one of the most pressing issues in the Cloud Native community. A concept which is widely known from other ecosystems like desktop and mobile computing has yet not been realized for cloud computing. For example on Android and iOS, millions of developers publish their packages in the Play Store or App Store to reach their users. The package manager also makes sure all users receive the latest version published by the developer and the developer receives crash reports and user feedback as a return to improve their applications, but as a cloud native developer there is no package manager you can rely on โ€” yet.

Our first release (v0.0.1) already features a working prototype that can install basic packages, but a lot of challenges still need to be solved.

A cloud native architectureโ€‹

Glasskube itself is designed as a cloud native application. Featuring an easy to install client that comes with a graphical user interface and autocompletion for your favorite shell.

At the heart of the Glasskube package ecosystem lies our central package registry which holds the package manifests. In a future version we also plan to support 3rd party registries and the possibility to use multiple registries in a cluster.

The Glasskube package operator syncs the latest manifest into the cluster and makes sure it will be updated as soon as a new manifest is available.

Challenges that need to be solvedโ€‹

We already covered some our upcoming features in our public roadmap, but I would also like to take this opportunity to shortly speak about broader challenges.

Kubernetes version compatibilityโ€‹

Kubernetes releases minor versions every 4 months, which often come with new API versions. Package authors need to adapt their packages to these changes. In Kubernetes, a particular release might include more than one API version of a resource, so that packages can be compatible with a broader range of Kubernetes versions. These compatible versions are often only documented in the package distributors' changelog. Glasskube aims to incorporate this kind of metadata in combination with automatic checks from tools like kube-no-trouble or Pluto.

The user should not be required to drudgingly check all packages for compatibility and package developers should get feedback if their package is not compatible with the latest API versions.

Package dependenciesโ€‹

Cloud native applications often interoperate and there are some packages that can be found in almost every Kubernetes cluster. For example: cert-manager, Ingress controllers or database operators. Due to the lack of a package manager and ecosystem these dependencies are still often only documented in the Getting started section of an application.

In an ideal world a package author could simply specify a dependency of their package and the package manager ensures that all these prerequisites are fulfilled.


In order to support multiple Kubernetes versions, dependencies and packages Glasskube needs to build massive automated testing infrastructure for all packages in its central package registry.

Feedback and package qualityโ€‹

As seen in other package managers like the arch user repository or the Play Store and App Store users' feedback and reviews help other users to decide between different packages. Also, application developer will incorporate users' feedback to gain popularity and better ratings in the package manager.

Glasskube and Helmโ€‹

Glasskube is no replacement for Helm. Helm has its strengths in configuring releases through templating and having the ability to perform upgrades and rollbacks.

Glasskube is laser focused on the administrator who needs to only install and kustomize (pun intended ๐Ÿ˜‰) a single application, but who also needs to make sure multiple packages are kept up-to-date and secure throughout multiple Kubernetes version upgrades and adapting to inevitable breaking changes.

Getting startedโ€‹

Follow our Getting Started guide if you want to try Glasskube for yourself and install your first package.

On macOS, you can use Homebrew to install and update Glasskube.

brew install glasskube/tap/glasskube

After installing Glasskube on your local machine, make sure to install the necessary components in your Kubernetes cluster by running glasskube bootstrap. For more information, check out our bootstrap guide.

Release Notesโ€‹

All release notes can be found on GitHub:

Release Videoโ€‹

Get involvedโ€‹

The easiest way to get involved is to tackle one of our open issues. You are also welcome to join our Discord.

If you are a cloud native developer, please submit your package.

As Glasskube is still in its very early days, your feedback is highly appreciated.

Let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you or support us by leaving a star: โญ glasskube/glasskube โญ