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📦️ Glasskube will help you to install your favorite Kubernetes packages.

🤯 Using traditional package managers or applying manifests can be super confusing.

😍 Using the Glasskube UI for reduced complexity and increased transparency.

🧑‍💻 Still providing a brew inspired CLI for advanced users.

🏗️ Glasskube packages are dependency aware, as you would expect from a package manager.

🤖 Designed as a cloud native application, so you can follow your GitOps approach.

Glasskube is an open-source Kubernetes package manager that simplifies package management for Kubernetes.

Fast Track ⏱️

Install your first package in 5 minutes.

Install Glasskube via Homebrew:

brew install glasskube/tap/glasskube

Bootstrap Glasskube in your cluster:

glasskube bootstrap

Start the package manager:

glasskube serve

Open http://localhost:8580 and explore available packages.

For more installation options see the Getting started section.

Architecture 📏

Glasskube uses multiple components, most notably a client and a package operator.



The client is an executable written in Go. It accepts user inputs via a UI and CLI.

The client manages packages in the form of Kubernetes Resources via the Kubernetes API.

Package Operator

The package operator has two controllers:

  1. The Package Controller (managing packages)
  2. The PackageInfo Controller (syncing package infos from a repository)

Package Repository

A place where PackageManifests are stored, searched and maintained. Currently only the glasskube packages repository is supported: glasskube/packages


For any command, by default the cluster given in ~/.kube/config (current-context) will be used. An alternative kube config can be passed with the --kubeconfig flag.

glasskube bootstrap

Bootstraps Glasskube in the given cluster. For more information, check out our bootstrap guide.

glasskube serve

Starts the UI server and opens a browser on http://localhost:8580.

glasskube list

Lists packages. By default, all packages available in the configured repository are shown, including their installation status in the given cluster.

With the --installed flag you can restrict the list of packages to the ones installed in your cluster. If you only want to see installed packages that have a newer version available, use the --outdated flag.

glasskube install <package>

Installs the latest version of a package in your cluster and waits until the installation is either finished successfully or failed.

Use --version=... if you want to install a specific version of a package, or --enable-auto-updates if you want a package to always be updated to the latest version automatically.

If a package offers configuration parameters, glassube install provides a workflow to interactively set those parameters. For non-interactive parameter configuration, you can use --value (can be used multiple times).

For more information, check out glasskube help install.

glasskube update <packages...>

Updates the given packages in your cluster to their respecive latest version. If no packages are specified, all outdated packages will be updated.

glasskube configure <package>

Interactively or non-interactively modify the configuration of a package.

Use --value for non-interactive mode (can be used multiple times). If you want to delete existing values, use --keep-old-values=false (can be used in combination with --value)

For more information, check out glasskube help configure.

glasskube uninstall <package>

Removes the given package from your cluster.

glasskube describe <package>

Shows additional information about the given package.

glasskube open <package>

Opens the default entrypoint of the given package. Use glasskube open <package> <entrypoint> to open a specific entrypoint.

glasskube version

Prints the version of the local Glasskube installation, as well as the installed cluster components.

glasskube --version

Prints the version of the local Glasskube installation.

glasskube help

Prints helpful information about glasskube and its commands. Use glasskube help <subcommand> to learn more about a specific subcommand.