Dependency Management
Dependency Management is a cross-cutting concern that is being handled in all glasskube components (GUI, CLI, Operator). The following decision tree states how the Package Operator is handling dependencies.
Package Operator – reconciling package P depending on package D (P -> D):
- Each involved referred package has status Ready, i.e. none of the referred packages are currently being deleted or updated, and their installation has not failed.
- Each involved referred package has a
set, and it is equal to itsStatus.Version
. - When the result of a situation is a dependency conflict, it might either be resolvable or not. Either way, the operator does not resolve such a conflict directly, but rather
the components interacting with the user (CLI, UI) need to guide them through potential resolution. Consequently, the only time the operator does resolve an unfulfilled
dependency, the "result" is denoted as
- P Package that is going to be installed
- D Dependency that package P requires
- DV Installed version of package D
- PDV Version constraint for package D as defined in the dependency relation of package P
- XDV / YDV Version constraint for package D as defined in the dependency relation of already installed package X / Y that also have a dependency on D