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Package Configuration

Problem analysis​

At Glasskube, what we mean when we talk about package configuration, is a controlled alteration of the resources that are part of a package depending on values specified by the user. This can be thought of as three sub-problems:

What values are available for a given package​

The author of a package may include a declaration of the possible configuration items in the package manifest, where each package may have multiple value definitions. A value definition contains information to help clients display an appropriate form item for data entry and constraints to be validated by the client as well as the package operator.

How does a value affect the deployed package resources​

Additionally, a value definition describes some alterations to the deployed package. We call those alterations targets. Each value definition may contain a number of targets. A target can be one of two things:

  1. A change to the default values of a helm release contained in the package
  2. A JSON patch that should be applied to a resource contained in a manifests entry of the package

How does a value affect the deployed package resources​

A user, when installing a package using Glasskube, may declare a value configuration for each value definition of that package. A value configuration can hold either a literal value or a reference value. Literal values represent a simple value (e.g. a string entered via a text field). Reference values represent references to values in other resources in the same Kubernetes cluster. Such references can be secrets, configmaps or other packages.

Values are non-mandatory by default, however, a package author may opt to make any of their packages values required by specifying a constraint on that value definition. If a package has no value configuration for a given value definition that is non-mandatory, that values targets will not be applied and it is the package authors responsibility to ensure that their package also works in this case.

Design proposal​

The PackageManifest has a property Values of type map[string]ValueDefinition. The key in this map is referred to as that values name ValueDefinition is a struct with the following properties:

  • Type (string enum): Every value must have a type, so that we know what kind of input field to show for this value. Initially, this can be one of boolean, options, text, number but it is possible to add more types in future releases.
  • Metadata: A colletion of (mostly) UI-related metadata with the following (optional) properties:
    • Label (string): The label is used to denote an input field related to this value in a UI. By default the name of the value should be used.
    • Description (string): The description can be used to give more context to a value.
    • Hints (string enum): Hints offer package maintainers the ability to make some elements of the UI more prominent. For example, every value can be set to reference the value of a secret key, but if a value has the "SuggestSecretRef" hint, this option can be highlighted by the UI or enabled by default. Available hints and whether they will be included in the initial release is TBD
  • DefaultValue (string): The default value is pre-selected/pre-filled in the form field of this value for new packages.
  • Options ([]string): Available choices for values of type options. Should be ignored for other types.
  • Constraints: Specifying a number of constraints is possible. Available constraints are Required (bool), Min (int), Max (int), MinLength (int), MaxLength (int), Pattern (string). These should be checked by the UI, as well as by the validating webhook. Not all constrains apply to all types of value. Non-applicable constraints are ignored. For example a "text" value with constraints.max = 3 is the same as a "text" value with no constraints.
  • Targets: Where to apply this value. Either the name of a helm chart, or a TypedObjectReference combined with patch information. Initially, the idea is to use RFC 6902 JSON patches but this is still TBD. We use Unstructured for plain resources, which already supports setting values via a kind of JSON path, but it does not support setting values in lists. So, for example, it would not be possible to change something in the container of a deployment, since the containers are a list. Maybe evanphx/json-patch can be a useful alternative, but it only works on byte slices.

The PackageSpec has a property Values of type map[string]ValueConfiguration. The key in this map used to identify the corresponding ValueDefinition with the same name in the PackageManifests Values map. A ValueConfiguration must have exactly one of the following properties:

  • Value: A literal value.
  • ValueFrom: To represent a reference value. ValueFrom must have exactly one of the following properties:
    • ConfigMapRef: To reference a Key of a ConfigMap with Name in Namespace
    • SecretRef: To reference a Key of a Secret with Name in Namespace
    • PackageRef: To reference the value of the ValueConfiguration with name Value of a package with Name.


PackageManifest with a simple value specification
name: foo
repositoryUrl: ''
chartName: 'foo'
chartVersion: 'v1.0.0'
values: {}
type: 'boolean'
label: 'Enable Ingress'
description: 'Whether an ingress resource should be created for this Package'
defaultValue: 'true'
- chartName: 'foo'
- op: 'add'
path: 'ingress/enabled'
PackageManifest with a value specification that has multiple targets
name: foo
type: 'text'
required: true
- resource:
kind: 'Ingress'
apiVersion: ''
name: 'foo'
namespace: 'foo'
- op: 'add'
path: '/spec/rules/0/host'
- op: 'add'
path: '/spec/tls/0/hosts/-'
- resource:
apiVersion: 'apps/v1'
kind: 'Deployment'
name: 'foo'
namespace: 'foo'
- op: 'add'
path: '/spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/-'
valueTemplate: |
{ "name": "APP_HOST", "value": "{{ .value }}" }
Package with a variety of value configurations
apiVersion: ''
kind: 'Package'
name: 'foo'
name: 'foo'
version: 'v1.0.0'
value: 'false'
name: 'foo-prod-config'
value: 'host'
name: 'api-key-secret'
key: 'apiKey'

Known Limitations/caveats​

  • Value configurations can not have list types
  • More possibilities for deadlocks with required values that reference other packages